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Cardiac Rehab


Internists & Obesity Medicine located in Allen, TX

If you’re interested in boosting your overall health and wellness and treating or preventing chronic health problems, consider learning more about lifestyle medicine. This unique approach to health care is among the specialties at RescueMD in Allen, Texas. Explore what lifestyle medicine can do for you during a personalized consultation, which can be booked today online or by phone.

Cardiac Rehab Q&A

What is Cardiac Rehab?

happy family enjoying eachother

Cardiac Rehab is an approach to health care that focuses on how the choices you make each and every day shape the way you feel, and your body’s ability to fight off disease and function at peak levels.

You might not have heard the term Cardiac Rehab before, but the concept is nothing new. This approach is the foundation of conventional medicine, but many people and practitioners have shifted to viewing medical care as reactive rather than proactive.

Proactive health care works to prevent chronic health problems before they arise. Cardiac Rehab offers a chance to improve your health and avoid the serious medical problems becoming more and more common in America and around the globe.

What are the benefits of Cardiac Rehab?

Cardiac Rehab helps you give your body everything it needs to thrive simply by making informed, healthy decisions each and every day. The areas of focus within lifestyle medicine include:

  • Embracing a plant-based diet filled with whole foods
  • Getting plenty of exercise that doesn’t push your body to dangerous limits
  • Improving the quality of your sleep
  • Managing anxiety and stress
  • Building and nurturing healthy social connections to improve your emotional health
  • Avoiding risky behaviors that threaten your overall health

Some people take an aggressive approach to overhauling their health, often after experiencing a severe medical problem or watching a loved one deal with health problems. For others, the transition into lifestyle medicine is more gradual.

How can I prepare for a lifestyle medicine appointment?

One of the best things you can do to prepare for your lifestyle medicine consultation is to think about what you’d like to accomplish from the process. Having clearly defined health goals makes it easier to chart a course and keep yourself motivated.

Compiling a list of medical problems you’re being treated for is also a good idea. Be sure to provide a list of all medications and supplements you’re taking. This information lets your provider create a customized cardiac rehab plan that accounts for your specific strengths and challenges.

Being open to trying new things can help you make the transition to a healthier lifestyle. Whether it’s trying new foods, taking up a new form of exercise, or learning how meditation can reduce your stress and enhance your sleep, getting out of your existing routines is an excellent way to make the most of lifestyle medicine.

When you’re ready to get started, schedule an appointment online. You’re also welcome to call and speak with an administrative staff member regarding appointment availability.

We are located in Allen, TX but are available to serve patients from Frisco, Mckinney, Plano, Dallas and surrounding areas of Texas.