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Allergy Treatment (Immunotherapy)


Allergy immunotherapy, also known as allergy shots or allergen-specific immunotherapy (AIT), is a treatment option for individuals with allergies, particularly those with allergic rhinitis (hay fever), allergic asthma, or insect sting allergies. Immunotherapy works by gradually desensitizing the immune system to specific allergens, reducing the severity of allergic reactions and symptoms over time. Here's how allergy immunotherapy works and what to expect during treatment:

Identification of Allergens: Before starting immunotherapy, the healthcare provider conducts allergy testing (such as skin prick tests or blood tests) to identify the specific allergens triggering the individual's allergic reactions.

Customized Treatment Plan: Based on the results of allergy testing and the individual's medical history, the healthcare provider develops a personalized treatment plan that includes the specific allergens to target, the concentration of allergens, and the frequency of treatment.

Initiation Phase:

Immunotherapy typically begins with an initiation phase, during which the individual receives increasing doses of allergens over several months to build tolerance gradually.

The initiation phase may involve weekly or biweekly injections or sublingual tablets/drops administered at home.

Maintenance Phase:

Once the optimal dose (maintenance dose) is reached without causing significant allergic reactions, the individual enters the maintenance phase.

During the maintenance phase, the frequency of allergy shots may decrease to every 2-4 weeks, depending on the individual's response to treatment.

Duration of Treatment:

Allergy immunotherapy is a long-term treatment that typically lasts for several years.

The duration of treatment varies depending on factors such as the individual's response to treatment, the severity of allergies, and the specific allergens being targeted.

Mechanism of Action:

Allergy immunotherapy works by exposing the immune system to gradually increasing doses of allergens, which helps retrain the immune system to tolerate allergens without triggering allergic reactions.

Over time, immunotherapy induces immune tolerance, reducing the production of allergic antibodies (IgE) and increasing the production of regulatory immune cells (T cells), which suppress allergic reactions.


Allergy immunotherapy is effective in reducing the severity of allergic symptoms and the need for allergy medications in many individuals.

It can provide long-lasting relief from allergy symptoms even after treatment is discontinued in some cases.


Allergy immunotherapy is generally safe when administered under the supervision of a trained healthcare provider.

Common side effects may include redness, swelling, or itching at the injection site, as well as mild allergic reactions such as sneezing or nasal congestion.

Serious allergic reactions (anaphylaxis) are rare but can occur, which is why immunotherapy is administered in a healthcare setting where emergency treatment is available if needed.

Monitoring and Follow-Up:

Throughout immunotherapy, the individual's response to treatment is monitored closely, and adjustments to the treatment plan may be made as needed.

Regular follow-up appointments with the healthcare provider are important to assess progress, manage side effects, and ensure the safety and effectiveness of treatment.

Allergy immunotherapy is a valuable treatment option for individuals with allergies who have not responded adequately to other treatments or who wish to reduce their reliance on allergy medications. It can significantly improve quality of life by reducing the frequency and severity of allergic symptoms and the need for allergy medications. However, it's important to discuss the risks, benefits, and suitability of immunotherapy with a healthcare provider to determine if it's the right treatment option for a particular individual.

Here at RescueMD, our providers are able to handle allergy treatment for patients in Allen, Frisco, Mckinney, Plano, Dallas and the surrounding areas.


945 Stockton Drive, Ste #6100
Allen, TX 75013
Phone: 972-449-7940
Fax: 972-390-1557

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