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Allergy Testing


Do you suffer from allergy-related discomfort? Allergy testing can help you find out what you’re allergic to so you can be treated. The team RescueMD in Allen, Texas, performs allergy testing for patients experiencing allergy symptoms. To schedule an allergy test, call the office or request an appointment online today. 


Allergy Testing Q & A

What is allergy testing?

An allergy skin test, also known as a skin prick test or puncture test, is a common diagnostic procedure used to identify specific allergens that may be triggering allergic reactions in an individual. It is typically performed by an allergist or immunologist and involves exposing the skin to small amounts of various allergens to observe the body's immune response. 

What does allergy testing entail?

Here's what typically happens during an allergy skin test at RescueMD:


Before the test, your healthcare provider will review your medical history, including any known allergies, symptoms, medications, and previous allergic reactions. They will also discuss the purpose of the skin test, the procedure, and any potential risks or side effects.

Selection of Allergens

Based on your medical history and suspected allergens, your healthcare provider selects a panel of allergens to test. Common allergens tested include pollen, dust mites, pet dander, mold, certain foods, and insect venom.

Skin Prick Test

The skin prick test is typically performed on the forearm or the back, which are common areas for testing.

Your healthcare provider cleans the skin with alcohol and marks the test sites with a pen.

Small drops of each allergen extract are placed on the skin, usually in a grid pattern, with a separate lancet or needle used for each allergen.

Using a lancet or a small needle, your healthcare provider gently pricks or scratches the skin through each drop of allergen extract. This allows the allergen to enter the skin's surface.

Observation and Interpretation

After the allergens are applied, your healthcare provider waits for about 15-20 minutes to observe the skin's reaction.

If the patient is allergic to a particular allergen, they may develop a small raised bump (wheal) at the test site, along with redness and itching. This indicates a positive reaction to the allergen.

The size of the wheal and the degree of redness are measured and compared to a control test site (where no allergen was applied) to determine the severity of the reaction.

How are the results of allergy testing interpreted? 

Your healthcare provider interprets the test results based on the size of the wheals and the degree of redness at each test site.

A larger wheal size and more pronounced redness indicate a stronger allergic reaction to the allergen.

Positive reactions to specific allergens help identify the allergens triggering the patient's allergic symptoms.

What happens after allergy testing?

After the test, your healthcare provider discusses the results with you, including any identified allergens and their implications for allergy management.

Depending on the test results, your healthcare provider may recommend allergy avoidance strategies, medications, immunotherapy (allergy shots or sublingual immunotherapy), or other treatments to manage allergic symptoms.

It's important to note that allergy skin tests are generally safe and well-tolerated, but there is a risk of allergic reactions, such as itching, swelling, or hives, at the test sites. Rarely, severe allergic reactions (anaphylaxis) may occur, which is why allergy skin tests are performed under the supervision of a trained healthcare provider who can manage any adverse reactions promptly. Individuals with certain medical conditions or taking certain medications may not be suitable candidates for allergy skin testing, so it's important to discuss any concerns with your healthcare provider beforehand.

At RescueMD, their skilled providers can handle allergy testing for patients in Allen, Frisco, McKinney, Plano, Dallas, and the surrounding areas. Call the office or request an appointment online today.



945 Stockton Drive, Ste #6100
Allen, TX 75013
Phone: 972-449-7940
Fax: 972-390-1557

Office Hours

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